Hello everyone, I’m so happy Spring is here, and the really cold weather is gone. Hope everyone is well. This week’s group was small but powerful. It was about the dreaded word “change.” Of course, it was followed by the word “acceptance.” With moans of despair, it was agreed that change is actually good for us despite our resistance. Without change in our lives we become comfortable but stagnant. It was also agreed upon that one does not know how burned out they are in their “comfortable” until they make a change.
Change can happen because we say “yes!” to the Universe and we want change. Sometimes change is out of our control and fear reigns. Change can be dark and unexpected. It’s easy to be grateful for the “good” change but difficult to be grateful for the unwanted change. Either way, spirit is involved. If we are able to “go with the flow” change can turn out to be exactly what we needed yet, it is sometimes difficult to perceive that we needed it until looking back. Trusting in spirit is needed.
Our other topic from the Elders was on the beautiful differences in the world, especially in human beings. A comparison was made in how the leaves of a tree are all different and not one is exactly like another. All of us belong here and have a unique purpose yet, we are all together to make up the whole. Whatever actions we take in our lives will affect the whole. My prayer for the day is that my actions can contribute higher vibrations to the whole. Hope everyone is happy and healthy. Namaste.

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