After healing up from Fall viruses, group resumed last evening in full force. What a wonderful group experience. There was laughter and good-natured ribbing which helped to enable higher energies so we could talk about the topic at hand. Our topic was about ‘letting go.’ Letting go of everything. A daunting task, but very rewarding and elicited rich conversation. It has been said that letting go can be a mysterious, metaphysical process of releasing to the universe the unnecessary grip we have on that which we cannot change. It can be freeing to experience this and can feel like a huge burden lifting. Someone brought up that the way we started holding on to things so tightly initially was due to our societal programming which is very ingrained. This process is part of faith in the universe or trusting spirit to guide us. Our programming can significantly prevent us from living our lives to the fullest, from experiencing true joy and become our authentic selves, from fulfilling all the dreams we have, keeping love out of our lives and living the life that our higher power wants us to live.
This letting go is magic and allows a more powerful connection to source. Source promotes creativity within us, creates empathy within us, we can think and imagine on a higher plane, opens us up to loving self the way HP loves us, enables us to attract love in our lives and many other surprises and benefits one can’t even perceive.
Thank you for reading my blog and hope everyone has a beautiful Yule celebration and a marvelous Christmas. Hope to see you at the next free group which meets at Barjon’s Books on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM Namaste.

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