Nice group this week. People were sharing from their heart. The laughter was healing and helped us all release unneeded energies in a joyful way as well as together in a unified way. Thank you to all who attended, your input and presence is greatly needed.
Our topic was about the benefits of recovery and included both future benefits and benefits experienced in the present. We talked about how we sometimes want instant gratification when we are recovering from painful life circumstances, yet this is not the nature of recovery. It takes time. It takes effort. It teaches patience. These are concepts needed for recovery and that few of us had practiced in our previous lives, yet we are grateful for now, in recovery. It is a powerful benefit. Changed lives.
Today, I have more joy in my life, more faith, more patience. My relationships have improved. I practice better and more effective self-care. I observed in group, the art of turning the half empty glass into the half full glass which I believe is another benefit of recovery. Before recovery, I was unable to do this.
What a positive and uplifting experience. Thanks again to all who participated and I hope to see you next time. There will be group next Wednesday on the day before thanksgiving. Our topic will be gratitude!! Namaste

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