Group was very small this week yet powerful and full of depth which feeds mind and spirit. One topic explored was on owning one’s power to avoid remaining in victim mode by life events or individuals whether it be in work or situational. Using one’s free will to set boundaries, be true to self, or just knowing what we can change and what we cannot change, contribute to being free of victimization or feeling victimized. Refusing to be a victim can be so empowering. Sometimes it could just be a shift in one’s thinking patterns to pull out of victim mode. Victim mode gives one’s power away which drains energy as opposed to standing up and owning your power by setting boundaries or not allowing mistreatment. It can be a subtle yet formidable force.
The elders gave beautiful, meaningful direction on how we all have a duty that is sacred to take care of the earth and defend the earth, for all life originates from the earth. If I question what my purpose is on this life’s journey, it would be this. Perhaps I have other purposes in this life, but this one is definitely one of them. I believe it is everyone’s purpose among others and it is a good place to start if you are questioning what your purpose is. Imagine the world we would live in if everyone practiced this principle. Thank you group participants (both physical and dimensional) for bringing your beautiful energies to a lovely Wednesday evening. Namaste

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