Child Reiki

Child Reiki for 0-11 years old

The young of the earth are not exempt from the pressures of the world. Each one of us comes from the warmth and security of the womb and are born into a strange place of coldness and light. This, in and of itself, can be a traumatic experience for some.


Reiki can have a calming effect and benefit for your child resulting in relaxation and confidence within them. It can aid the young by incorporating a healthy manner of living throughout their lives assisting them in more balance and better life choices.

The Benefits Of Reiki for Kids

  • Relaxation
  • Reduce Stress
  • Reduce Anxiety
  • Improve the Quality of Sleep
  • Better Emotional Well-being
  • Improved Focus
  • Better Concentration
  • Reduces Pain and Discomfort
  • Restore Confidence

Reiki can help raise energy in a child (person) at this early age. When Reiki is combined with the proper guidance and support from a loved one along with other professional help, if needed, the child has a better possibility to mature into a more balanced adolescent and on into adulthood.

Young girl in pink dress sitting in a tree.

Crystals are seldom used in Child Reiki as to not overwhelm the energy circuits of the body. The subtle energies of a child are very excitable and it is best to let each child draw only the energy that is needed without the help of other energetic sources.

A parent or guardian is required to be present during each session to help both the child and the parent feel comfortable with the process. Each session is videoed for the protection of all involved.

Parents are urged to learn Reiki so they can channel energy daily to their child. This could be cost effective while including the entire family.

It is important to note that while all energy healing modalities have many potential benefits, they should not be used as a substitute for allopathic medical treatment. If you have any health concerns, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.

All sessions are designed to be completed Virtually.

Let's Keep In Touch ...

Keith Good and Dr. Val talking.
Blonde woman meditating outdoors.

You may want check out our options for Akasha Record ReadingReiki, Spiritual Mentoring and Meditation.

Please schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss the specifics of your path.

All sessions are designed to be completed Virtually.

It is important to note that while all energy healing modalities have many potential benefits, they should not be used as a substitute for allopathic medical treatment. If you have any health concerns, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.

You may want check out our options for Akasha Record ReadingReiki, Spiritual Mentoring and Meditation.

Please schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss the specifics of your path in Reiki.