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Good’s Holistic Healing

Whether you sought out or stumbled across this website and you are reading this you have some interest in healing or being healed. My name is Keith Good. I live and practice energy healing in Billings, Montana, USA. I am a Reiki Master, Crystal Reiki Master, Spiritual Mentor, Meditation Guide, Crystal Healer, and Chakra Healer.

Here at Good’s Holistic Healing, I concentrate on Holistic healing. This means working with Body, Spirit, and Mind. Body, being the physical, Spirit is just what it says your Spirit and Mind being the conscious. If this appeals to you then you are here at the perfect time. Not the perfect time for me to help you but rather the perfect time for you to pursue your holistic health. This is about you healing yourself with some help and guidance. My goal is to use my services to help guide needed energy to all aspects of you so your own energy can heal from within.

Human beings are very resilient and adapt to many obstacles, some are everyday challenges and some can be very traumatic. Regardless of the severity of the situation, energy within self can heal. You are part of the entire universe. Neither you nor earth is outside of this. As you look into the sky at night you see lots of stars but do you realize that you are smack dab in the middle of those stars, not on the edge or outside of them. If you could see 360 degrees there would be stars all around you, even during daylight hours.

The energy of the universe is there to help. Because you and Mother Earth are part of the universe there are energies within you and within the Earth Mother, that can be drawn on as well as energies from the stars and space. Through the use of holistic healing your body, mind and spirit can draw on all the universal energy to heal you from within.

If you choose to come to Good’s Holistic Healing be aware that I do not heal anyone. I help guide the energy for you to heal yourself from within. No matter what service is contracted, be aware that they are just tools to be used. I give you none of my energy but rather channel the vibrational energy that you draw. This energy knows what is needed within self. At the beginning, what you have come to heal might not seem to be healing. Because your whole being knows its needs, there may be issues that you are unaware of at this moment that need attention before the healing of what you are aware of. Energy healing heals the cause of the issues by attracting needed energies and dispelling unneeded energies. It doesn’t just alleviate the symptoms. Energy healing is not instantaneous. It takes time and patience to heal to be the best you.

Holistic healing is for everyone not just for a chosen few. If you are not comfortable with the methods of Good’s Holistic Healing I encourage you to find a practitioner of whatever modality you feel comfortable with and pursue it for your own highest good

What is Right for You

Good’s Holistic Healing offers just a few of many healing modalities to choose from. I encourage you to use your intuition in choosing what modality is right for your highest good. I believe that the modalities I offer are of great benefit to all, however, the ultimate choice is, of course, yours.

When deciding what is right for you I encourage a person to not necessarily find the latest fad. There are many choices out there and there are many people who are jumping on the bandwagon to make a buck. The “new age” ideas have created this situation, and a person might want to proceed with caution. The services Good’s Holistic Healing offers have been practiced for many millennia effectively.

Sit back and feel what is right for your highest good. Look at what pressures are influencing your decision. Are there peer pressures, societal pressures, religious pressures, family pressures, affecting your decision? Try to remove these pressures within self and feel what is, holistically, for your highest good. This path in life is yours and yours alone. This doesn’t affect other people’s paths, as they have their own path in life to pursue.

Ultimately what resonates with an individual, for their highest good, is where they should start. As a person’s path proceeds so may their healing needs. What is right today may not be right tomorrow. Keep an open mind to what may benefit you, for your highest good, as your path progresses.

It is important to note that while all energy healing modalities have many potential benefits, they should not be used as a substitute for allopathic medical treatment. If you have any health concerns, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.

All sessions are designed to be completed Virtually.

You may want check out our options for Akasha Record Reading, Reiki, Spiritual Mentoring and Meditation.

Please schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss the specifics of your path.

It is important to note that while all energy healing modalities have many potential benefits, they should not be used as a substitute for allopathic medical treatment. If you have any health concerns, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.

You may want check out our options for Akasha Record Reading, Reiki, Spiritual Mentoring and Meditation.

Please schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss the specifics of your path in Reiki.

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